Monday, May 13, 2024

RIP Version 2

1.2 RIP Version 2

1.2.1 RIP history

This page will explain the functions and limitations of RIP. The Internet is a collection of autonomous systems (AS). Each AS is generally administered by a single entity. Each AS has a routing technology which can differ from other autonomous systems. The routing protocol used within an AS is referred to as an Interior Gateway Protocol (IGP). A separate protocol used to transfer routing information between autonomous systems is referred to as an Exterior Gateway Protocol (EGP). RIP is designed to work as an IGP in a moderate-sized AS. It is not intended for use in more complex environments.

RIP v1 is considered a classful IGP. RIP v1 is a distance vector protocol that broadcasts the entire routing table to each neighbor router at predetermined intervals. The default interval is 30 seconds. RIP uses hop count as a metric, with 15 as the maximum number of hops.

If the router receives information about a network, and the receiving interface belongs to the same network but is on a different subnet, the router applies the one subnet mask that is configured on the receiving interface:

  • For Class A addresses, the default classful mask is
  • For Class B addresses, the default classful mask is
  • For Class C addresses, the default classful mask is

RIP v1 is a popular routing protocol because virtually all IP routers support it. The popularity of RIP v1 is based on the simplicity and the universal compatibility it demonstrates. RIP v1 is capable of load balancing over as many as six equal-cost paths, with four paths as the default.

RIP v1 has the following limitations:

  • It does not send subnet mask information in its updates.
  • It sends updates as broadcasts on
  • It does not support authentication.
  • It is not able to support VLSM or classless interdomain routing (CIDR).

RIP v1 is simple to configure, as shown in Figure .

The next page will introduce RIP v2.

Configuring VLSM

 Configuring VLSM


This page will teach students how to calculate and configure VLSM. If VLSM is the scheme chosen, it must then be calculated and configured correctly.

The following are VLSM calculations for the LAN connections in Figure :

  • Network address:
  • The Perth router has to support 60 hosts. That means a minimum of six bits are needed in the host portion of the address. Six bits will yield 26 – 2, or 62 possible host addresses. The LAN connection for the Perth router is assigned the subnet.
  • The Sydney and Singapore routers have to support 12 hosts each. That means a minimum of four bits are needed in the host portion of the address. Four bits will yield 24 – 2, or 14 possible host addresses. The LAN connection for the Sydney router is assigned the subnet and the LAN connection for the Singapore router is assigned the subnet.
  • The KL router has to support 28 hosts. That means a minimum of five bits are needed in the host portion of the address. Five bits will yield 25 – 2, or 30 possible host addresses. The LAN connection for the KL router is assigned the subnet.

The following are VLSM calculations for the point-to-point connections in Figure :

  • Perth to KL

The connection from Perth to KL requires only two host addresses. That means a minimum of two bits are needed in the host portion of the address. Two bits will yield 22 – 2, or 2 possible host addresses. The Perth to KL connection is assigned the subnet.

  • Sydney to KL

The connection from Sydney to KL requires only two host addresses. That means a minimum of two bits are needed in the host portion of the address. Two bits will yield 22 – 2, or 2 possible host addresses. The Sydney to KL connection is assigned the subnet.

  • Singapore to KL

The connection from Singapore to KL requires only two host addresses. That means a minimum of two bits are needed in the host portion of the address. Two bits will yield 22 – 2, or 2 possible host addresses. The Singapore to KL connection is assigned the subnet.

The following configuration is for the Singapore to KL point-to-point connection:

Singapore(config)#interface serial 0

Singapore(config-if)#ip address

KualaLumpur(config)#interface serial 1

KualaLumpur(config-if)#ip address

This page concludes this lesson. The next lesson will discuss RIP. The first page describes RIP v1.

Route aggregation with VLSM

 Route aggregation with VLSM


When VLSM is used, it is important to keep the subnetwork numbers grouped together in the network to allow for aggregation. For example, networks like and should be near one another so that the routers only carry a route for

The use of classless interdomain routing (CIDR) and VLSM prevents address waste and promotes route aggregation, or summarization. Without route summarization, Internet backbone routing would likely have collapsed sometime before 1997.

Figure illustrates how route summarization reduces the burden on upstream routers. This complex hierarchy of variable-sized networks and subnetworks is summarized at various points with a prefix address, until the entire network is advertised as a single aggregate route of Route summarization, or supernetting, is only possible if the routers of a network use a classless routing protocol, such as OSPF or EIGRP. Classless routing protocols carry a prefix that consists of a 32-bit IP address and bit mask in the routing updates. In Figure , the summary route that eventually reaches the provider contains a 20-bit prefix common to all of the addresses in the organization. That address is or 11001000.11000111.0011. For summarization to work, addresses should be carefully assigned in a hierarchical fashion so that summarized addresses will share the same high-order bits.

The following are important rules to remember:

  • A router must know in detail the subnet numbers attached to it.
  • A router does not need to inform other routers about each subnet if the router can send one aggregate route for a set of routes.
  • A router that uses aggregate routes has fewer entries in its routing table.

VLSM increases route summarization flexibility because it uses the higher-order bits shared on the left, even if the networks are not contiguous.

Figure shows that the addresses share the first 20 bits. These bits are colored red. The 21st bit is not the same for all the routes. Therefore the prefix for the summary route will be 20 bits long. This is used to calculate the network number of the summary route.

Figure shows that the addresses share the first 21 bits. These bits are colored red. The 22nd bit is not the same for all the routes. Therefore the prefix for the summary route will be 21 bits long. This is used to calculate the network number of the summary route.

The next page will teach students how to configure VLSM.

Calculating subnets with VLSM

 Calculating subnets with VLSM

1.1.4 VLSM helps to manage IP addresses. This page will explain how to use VLSM to set subnet masks that fit the link or segment requirements. A subnet mask should satisfy the requirements of a LAN with one subnet mask and the requirements of a point-to-point WAN with another.

The example in Figure shows a network that requires an address scheme.

The example contains a Class B address of and two LANs that require at least 250 hosts each. If the routers use a classful routing protocol, the WAN link must be a subnet of the same Class B network. Classful routing protocols such as RIP v1, IGRP, and EGP do not support VLSM. Without VLSM, the WAN link would need the same subnet mask as the LAN segments. A 24-bit mask of can support 250 hosts.  

The WAN link only needs two addresses, one for each router. That means that 252 addresses would be wasted.

If VLSM was used, a 24-bit mask would still be applied on the LAN segments for the 250 hosts. A 30-bit mask could be used for the WAN link because only two host addresses are needed.

Figure shows where the subnet addresses can be applied based on the number of host requirements. The WAN links use subnet addresses with a prefix of /30. This prefix allows for only two host addresses which is just enough for a point-to-point connection between a pair of routers.

In Figure , the subnet addresses used are generated when the subnet is divided into /26 subnets.

To calculate the subnet addresses used on the WAN links, further subnet one of the unused /26 subnets. In this example, is further subnetted with a prefix of /30. This provides four more subnet bits and therefore 16 (24) subnets for the WANs. Figure illustrates how to work through a VLSM system.

VLSM can be used to subnet an already subnetted address. For example, consider the subnet address and a network that needs ten host addresses. With this subnet address, there are 212 – 2, or 4094 host addresses, most of which will be wasted. With VLSM it is possible to subnet to create more network addresses with fewer hosts per network. When is subnetted to, there is a gain of 26, or 64 subnets. Each subnet can support 26 – 2, or 62 hosts.

Use the following steps to apply VLSM to

  1. Write in binary form.
  2. Draw a vertical line between the 20th and 21st bits, as shown in Figure . The original subnet boundary was /20.
  3. Draw a vertical line between the 26th and 27th bits, as shown in Figure . The original /20 subnet boundary is extended six bits to the right, which becomes /26.
  4. Calculate the 64 subnet addresses with the bits between the two vertical lines, from lowest to highest in value. The figure shows the first five subnets available.

It is important to remember that only unused subnets can be further subnetted. If any address from a subnet is used, that subnet cannot be further subnetted. In Figure , four subnet numbers are used on the LANs. The unused subnet is further subnetted for use on the WAN links.

The Lab Activity will help students calculate VLSM subnets.

The next page will describe route aggregation.